English language arts

Letters and Sounds Phase 3 grapheme hunt activity powerpoint
The powerpoint can be used to practise reading words containing the graphemes the children have learnt. There is a page per grapheme. When clicked on, the words containing the correct grapheme are underlined.

SPaG Year 2 Spelling: Common Exception words
Spelling resources to teach the statutory requirements in Appendix 1 of the English curriculum:
POWERPOINT RESOURCES: The following PowerPoint lessons contain groups of words with similar spellings. Each grapheme-phoneme correspondence that is new to the children (depending upon phonics programme used) is introduced and explained. The children then are given opportunities to read and then write the words.
CEW 1 – door poor floor
CEW 2 – find kind mind etc
CEW 3 – most only both etc
CEW 4 – after fast last
CEW 5 – every, everybody, even
CEW 6 –great break steak
CEW 7 –move prove improve
CEW 8 – sure sugar
CEW 9 - who whole
CEW 10 - any many
CEW 11 - could would should
The following PowerPoint lessons contain individual common exception words. There are examples of different strategies the children can use for remembering how to spell the words, such as using mnemonics, saying the word as it is spelt, using the look write cover check method and highlighting the tricky part. Each strategy is demonstrated visually.
CEW Spelling strategies PEOPLE
CEW Spelling strategies BEAUTIFUL
CEW Spelling strategies AGAIN
CEW Spelling strategies BECAUSE
CEW Spelling strategies BUSY
CEW Spelling strategies CHRISTMAS
CEW Spelling strategies CLOTHES
CEW Spelling strategies EYE
CEW Spelling strategies HALF
CEW Spelling strategies HOUR
CEW Spelling strategies MR & MRS
CEW Spelling strategies PARENTS
CEW Spelling strategies PRETTY
CEW Spelling strategies WATER
Spelling activity sheets - A variety of pdf sheets that can be used for different spelling activities. They include:
Acrostic poems
Bubble words
Colourful words
Cut out words
Look write cover check spelling sheet
Rainbow spellings
Shape words
Silly Sentences
Spelling with both hands
Stories with spellings
Word search with spellings
Words in words
Writing a poem
Writing fun
Y2 Spelling Appendix planning - Common Exception Words: An adaptable outline plan
Word List - With relevant words

SPaG Year 5 & 6 Spelling: Words ending in –ant, –ance/–ancy & –ent, –ence/–ency
A pack of 4 powerpoint lessons and 10 printable activities to teach the guidelines for spelling these types of words.
1 Explains that ent is used after soft c g and qu, giving examples of each of these type of words. It ends with an activity that shows a word, then it can be hidden so the children can write it, then shown so the children can check the spelling.
2 Explains how you can think of related words to gauge whether to use an e for these types of endings, for example confidential:confident. It ends with the same spelling activity. Includes words other than those preceded by soft c g or qu
Look Write Cover Check ent words (soft c g and qu): For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ent words: For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ence ency words: For spelling practice
Word search
Worksheet: Adding the endings ent ence and ency to different words then writing them in a sentence
3 Explains how you can think of related words to gauge whether to use an a for these types of endings, for example consultation: consultant. It ends with a spelling activity.
4 Looks at words that need to be memorised to learn which spelling to use: Ends with a spelling activity.
Look Write Cover Check ant words (related ation words): For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ance and ancy endings: For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ant words: For spelling practice
Word search
Worksheet: Adding the endings ant ance and ancy to different words then writing them in a sentence
Plus a word list for both spellings

SPaG Year 3 punctuation: Introduction to inverted commas to punctuate direct speech
A powerpoint explaining what direct speech is and how to use inverted commas when writing it down.

Phase 1 Aspect 3 Body percussion: Letters and Sounds Phonics resource pack
A mixture of powerpoints and printable activities to encourage sound discrimination by listening to sounds in the environment.

SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Adding the endings ing ed and er to verbs
A set of resources to teach the guideline/rule in the Spelling Appendix:
Adding the endings ing ed and er to verbs where no change is needed to the root word
Adding ing: Explains what a verb is and how ing can be added to verbs where no change in spelling is needed. Ends with an activity
Adding ed: Explains what a verb is and how adding ed changes the tense of the verb to the past tense. It ends with an activity
Adding er: Explains the effect of adding er to a verb and gives examples. Ends with an activity for the children to add er to verbs.
Adding suffixes er ing ed: A list of words in a grid to add suffixes to.
Word wheel - Adding ed and ing: Verbs and suffixes for word building activities.
Word wheel - Adding ed, ing and er: Verbs and suffixes for word building activities.
Outline adaptable plan

SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Adding er and est to adjectives
A set of resources to teach the guideline/rule in the Spelling Appendix:
if the adjective ends in two consonant letters (the same or different), the ending is simply added on.
Adding er and est for comparisons: Explains that er and est can be added to words for comparison and shows examples in a single word and in sentences. It ends with an activity for children to add er and est to words, then form sentences using the suffixes er and est.PDF:
er and est sentences worksheet: A list of words to add er and est to, and space for the children to write sentences with them in.
er and est word cards: For games and activities.
Outline adaptable plan

SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Vowel digraphs and trigraphs set 3
This pack contains the last 11 digraphs/trigraphs in the spelling appendix.
All presentations are superhero-themed and contain a quiz with words containing the relevant grapheme. They can be used for both reading and spelling activities.
25. ie (i)
26. ie (aɪ)
27. igh
28. or
29. ore
30. aw
31. au
32. air
33. ear
34. ear (ɛə)
35. are

SPaG Spelling pack: Activities to practise spelling words
A set of pdf files that can be used for spelling activities.

SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Words ending in y
A set of resources to teach the guideline/rule in the Spelling Appendix:
When a word ends in an /i:/(‘ee’) or /ɪ/ (‘i’) sound, it can be spelt –y.
POWERPOINT: Explains the spelling rule and gives examples of words for a class activity where the children can try to spell the words.

SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Using k for the /k/ sound
Resources to teach the guideline/rule in the Spelling Appendix:
The /k/ sound is spelt as k rather than as c before e, i and y.
Explains the spelling rule and gives examples of words for a class activity where the children can try to spell the words.
Wordsearch with relevant words

SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: New consonant spellings ph and wh
A set of resources to teach the guideline/rule in the Spelling Appendix:
The /f/ sound is not usually spelt as ph in short everyday words (e.g. fat, fill, fun).
Each lesson explains the spelling rule, and gives examples of words for a class activity where the children can try to spell the words.
Wordsearches with relevant words
Outline adaptable planning document

SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Adding the prefix un
A set of resources to teach the guideline/rule in the Spelling Appendix:
The prefix un– is added to the beginning of a word without any change to the spelling of the root word.
The prefix un: Shows how un can be added to words without any changes in spelling, and explains how adding un can change the meaning of words. It ends with an activity with words to add the prefix un to.
Jigsaw cards - un prefix/words: A set of jigsaw cards to join the prefix un to root words.
Word cards - words plus un: Sets of words with and without the prefix un.

SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Vowel digraphs and trigraphs set 2
This pack contains the next 11 digraphs/trigraphs in the spelling appendix.
All presentations are superhero-themed and contain a quiz with words containing the relevant grapheme. They can be used for both reading and spelling activities.
14. ir
15. ur
16. oo
17. oo (ʊ)
18. oa
19. oe
20. ou
21. ow (aʊ)
22. ow
23. ue
24. ew

SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Compound words powerpoints and activities
A set of resources to teach the guideline/rule in the Spelling Appendix:
Compound words are two words joined together. Each part of the longer word is spelt as it would be if it were on its own.
Introduction to writing compound words: Activity for the children to write and check compound words.
Making up compound words: Gives a list of words from which compound words can be made.
Words containing box: Examples of words with opportunities to write them.
Words containing every: Examples of words with opportunities to write them.
Words containing play: Examples of words with opportunities to write them.
Words containing up: Examples of words with opportunities to write them.
Cards to match up to make compound words.
Compound word worksheet: List of individual words for children to select and make new compound words.
Compound word worksheet blank
Compound word matching game
Plus a compound word list

SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Common Exception Words powerpoints, worksheets and activities
A set of resources to teach the Y1 CEW.
The more difficult spellings are covered in individual PowerPoints and give the children different strategies to learn the words.
The other spellings are organised into sets (eg is his has us was all have the /z/ sound at the end)
The worksheets contain different activities to encourage children to use the CEW in their writing.

SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Revision of work covered in Reception powerpoints and activities
A set of resources to recap work covered in Reception:
POWERPOINTS: Each PowerPoint lesson contains decodable high frequency words the children will be familiar with. The children are asked to read and then write the words.
• SET 1 Two letter words
• SET 2 CVC words 1
• SET 3 CVC words 2
• SET 4 CVC words 3
• SET 5 Consonant digraph words
• SET 6 Adjacent consonants
• SET 7 Adjacent consonants 2
• Words with adjacent consonants: An organised list of words containing adjacent consonants for extra reading practice.
• Word cards (x7): There is a set of cards for each set of words.
• Sets 1-7 HFW lists: Can be used for spelling lists for the children.

SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Digraphs and trigraph cards & list
A set of cards; 4 per page (46 pages altogether) with words containing the Y1 digraphs and trigraphs. They can be used for display, flashcards or games.
The spelling lists contains groups of spellings in 34 sets.

SPaG Year 1 Grammar: Suffixes
3 powerpoint lessons looking at suffixes that can be added to verbs without any change in spelling of the root word, plus a jigsaw activity and plan.
This set contains the following PowerPoints:
The suffix ed: Explains what a suffix is, and what meaning the suffix ed adds to verbs, giving examples and an activity
The suffix er: Explains what a suffix is, and what meaning the suffix er adds to nouns, giving examples and an activity
The suffix ing: Explains what a suffix is, and what meaning the suffix ing adds to verbs, giving examples and an activity
Activity cards (pdf)
Jigsaw cards - root words and suffixes er ing ed